Colonel Clarence Edmonds to Receive 2005 USDF Lifetime Achievement Award

For Immediate Release
Thursday, October 6, 2005

Lexington - The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) will present a Lifetime Achievement Award to Colonel Clarence Edmonds at the Salute Gala on December 1, 2005, at the USDF National Convention & Symposium in Burbank, CA. Award winners are those who have shown a lifetime of dedication to USDF through volunteering, and developing programs, projects, and committees that have contributed to USDF's mission. They also have a long history of membership in USDF.

Colonel Edmonds was a pioneer who made outstanding contributions to the growth and development of the organization.  He was a founding member of both USDF in 1973 and the Potomac Valley Dressage Association (PVDA) in 1964.  He founded the USDF "L" Education Program for Judge Training and served as the Chair of the Technical Delegates Council from 1984-1991.  Colonel Edmonds led the effort to create the Dressage Protocol pamphlet and the TD Checklist.  The pamphlet provided, for the first time, a written pattern of ethics that went beyond the rules to define the conduct and courtesy of the sport.  Colonel Edmonds provided his wisdom on many critical issues during Board of Governors' discussions at the Annual Convention, when he served as a PVDA delegate from 1988 to 2003.

USDF President Sam Barish said: "My dear friend Clarence has always believed strongly in 'dressage for the little people.'  He has been the champion of adult amateurs, juniors, and young riders training and competing at the lower levels.  Clarence made them feel important, and was never afraid to express his clear opinions to support their efforts, for decades, at both annual conventions and Region 1 meetings.  With his numerous accomplishments, he has been a shining star for USDF since its inception."

Each year, the Historical Committee invites USDF members to nominate worthy candidates for Lifetime Achievements Awards (LAAs).  All nominations are thoroughly reviewed, researched, and discussed by the committee.  Only those nominations that receive a unanimous vote are forwarded to the Executive Board for final approval.  A display of all LAA recipients, including Colonel Edmonds, will reside at the new USDF National Education Center at the Kentucky Horse Park, where their outstanding contributions to USDF will be publicly recognized.

Information about the USDF Hall of Fame and LAAs can be obtained by contacting Kim Sodt at (859) 271-7876 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Next year's nominations for USDF LAA winners and Hall of Fame inductees are due to Ms. Sodt, at the USDF office, by May 1, 2006.

Founded in 1973, the United States Dressage Federation is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to education, recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For more information about USDF membership or programs, visit, email [email protected], or call (859) 971-2277.